The Role of Mentoring in Sustainability of Eye Care Systems


  • Ayo Harriman, DO(Ire) MRCOphth(UK), MBA(Roehampton) Director Kunle Hassan Eye Foundation Academy


Introduction: Harvey Firestone said “It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed”. 1 John maxwell said ‘’A mentor is a
person who is successful. (He walks alongside of you, a brain to pick, an ear to listen and has maturity (soundness, wisdom). He goes the way, shows the way and knows the way”.2 I have 2 main mentors in my life. Firstly, my late father – Dr Edmund Akinocho who from a tender age infused his passion for ophthalmology into me with a desire to leave a legacy for future generations.3,4 The other is Dr Hassan whom I first met in 1997, when he visited my father; his words were so infectious that I became a disciple of the business of medicine and with a desire to pass knowledge to the next generation.5 Mentoring (informal and formal)6 and coaching are both intentional. Coaching entails transferring knowledge, giving instructions that will help develop skills, foster learning. Mentoring, a more intense relationship is built so that there’s trust, openness and is performance driven unlike coaching which is task oriented.7 The mentor (who can also be a coach) is a role model, is mature and can maintain professionalism at all times, is compassionate, supportive and is willing to spend time and effort with the mentee. Mentors teach (on the job), guide, counsel, challenge, inspire their protégé. endorse their activities, help assist, and demonstrate trust.8 The Eye Foundation hospital group has a Formal mentoring program6 whereby at the beginning of each year all residents (Mentees) are assigned to different senior consultants (Mentors). Both mentors and mentees give feedback of their experience. 

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Author Biography

Ayo Harriman, DO(Ire) MRCOphth(UK), MBA(Roehampton) , Director Kunle Hassan Eye Foundation Academy

Medical Director St Edmund’s Eye Clinic and Hospital Ltd


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How to Cite

Harriman, A. (2022). The Role of Mentoring in Sustainability of Eye Care Systems. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 7(1). Retrieved from



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