Goldenhar Syndrome: A Case Report
Introduction: Goldenhar Syndrome, (GS) also called oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia is a rare congenital disease arising from abnormal development of the first and second branchial arches1-3 Incidence is 1 in 3500-56004,5, male to female ratio of 3:21, 85% unilateral presentation1,5. Multifactorial risks factors implicated are genetic1,6; deletion of 5p, 14q23 duplication, Chr18,22 anomaly and 14q23 duplications are implicated. Others are gestational diabetes, second trimester bleeding, multiple gestation and maternal ingestion of vasoactive drugs: aspirin, pseudoephedrine, accutane, ibuprofen 6-8 and alcohol. 9 Viral 5 , environmental and other unknown factors are suspected as well. Clinical features include hemifacial microsomia, facial asymmetry maxillary hypoplasia, malar flattening 4. Ears may show, accessory tragi, tags, meatal atresia, low set ears, microtia and 6, laryngomalacia4-6,10. Spine may have scoliosis and hemivertebrae10. Cardiac defects include ventricular septal defects (VSD) and transposition of great vessels 4,6,10 . Tracheo- esophageal fistula and gastrointestinal (GIT) defects are associated 4,6,10 . Central nervous system (CNS) defects include hydrocephalus, hypoplastic corpus callosum 4,6,10 . Ophthalmic features occur in 60%11 and include epibulbar dermoid, usually located infero-temporally. Others are upper lid coloboma, unequal palpebral fissures, subconjunctival dermoid, uveal coloboma, retinal
coloboma, cataract, strabismus, microphthalmia and anophthalmia4,6.
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