Three-Month Postoperative Visual Outcomes of Cataract Patients at Eye Foundation Community Hospital, Ogun State
Background: Cataract remains the principal cause of blindness globally1. The Nigerian National Blindness survey identified cataracts as the commonest cause of severe visual impairment (SVI) and blindness.2 World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the postoperative visual outcome of cataract surgery cases should be 6/18 or better in at least 80% of the cases and best corrected (or pinhole) should be 90% or more.3 Many population-based studies done in developing countries in the 1990s showed that postoperative visual acuity (VA) was worse than 6/18 in 40-75% of patients. 4-7 More recently hospital-based postoperative VA is in the region of 60-70% of patients with 6/18 or better. 8-9 We aimed to determine the visual outcome of cataract surgeries postoperatively on the first day, one and three months.
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