Evaluation of Cataract Surgical Coverage and Barriers to Uptake of Cataract Surgery in Birnin Gwari Local Government Area of Kaduna State


  • Dawa J. Sambo Department of Ophthalmology, State Specialist Hospital, Gombe.
  • Hassan Wali National Eye Centre, Kaduna
  • Murtala M. Umar National Eye Centre, Kaduna
  • M Abdul Department Ophthalmology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Hospital, Bauchi


Age- related cataract is the commonest form of blindness in persons aged 50 years and above.¹ In Nigeria, the prevalence of cataract blindness is 1.8%, it is the leading cause of blindness accounting for 45.3%.² Developing countries have a higher age- adjusted prevalence of cataract and it occurs earlier.³ The study area, a rural area in the Northwest Zone (NWZ) of Nigeria, has a high prevalence of blindness of 4.8 % in persons aged 40 years and above.² Currently, surgery is the definitive treatment of blindness from cataract, as no other method has been shown to be effective.4 All people should enjoy access to the best quality health care without risk of impoverishment. This aspect is key to the Global Action Plan.u BirninGwari has benefited in the past from free eye camps sponsored by a non-governmental organization (NGO) and these services stopped since withdrawal of the NGO support. It is important to determine how much the cataract surgical needs have been met and what barriers may have hindered accessing these services and proffer suggestions in view of improving the Cataract Surgical Coverage (CSC).This survey aims to evaluate the cataract surgical coverage (CSC) and barriers to uptake of cataract surgery among people e”50 years of age in BirninGwari local government area (L.G.A). The result of the survey will serve as baseline data for effective planning of services in the L.G.A. 

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How to Cite

Sambo, D. J., Wali, H., Umar, M. M., & Abdul , M. (2019). Evaluation of Cataract Surgical Coverage and Barriers to Uptake of Cataract Surgery in Birnin Gwari Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 4(1). Retrieved from https://tosn.org.ng/index.php/home/article/view/47