Comparative Analysis of Central Corneal Thickness using Ultrasound and Anterior Segment OCT Pachymetry in Adults attending a Private Eye Clinic in Abuja


  • Adaora C Okudo Rachel Eye Center Abuja, Nigeria
  • Olufemi E. Babalola Rachel Eye Center Abuja, Nigeria


Optical Coherent Tomography, Ultrasound Pachymetry, Central Corneal Thickness


Background: Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) measurement is useful in the management of glaucoma, ocular hypertension, corneal lesions and kerato-refractive surgeries. The Ultrasound Sonography (USS) being a contact test occasionally makes patients anxious and has some limitations. These include the risk of infection and abrasion to the cornea, the discomfort of the numbness due to anaesthetic drops and identifying the exact position to be measured by multiple users is a major challenge. The anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT) overcomes these limitations.

Aim: To compare the CCT measurements using USS and OCT, with a view to determine their correlation and the repeatability of each

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Author Biographies

Adaora C Okudo, Rachel Eye Center Abuja, Nigeria

Asokoro District Hospital, Abuja

Olufemi E. Babalola, Rachel Eye Center Abuja, Nigeria

College of Medical and Health Sciences, Bingham University


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How to Cite

Okudo, A. C., & Babalola, O. E. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Central Corneal Thickness using Ultrasound and Anterior Segment OCT Pachymetry in Adults attending a Private Eye Clinic in Abuja. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 6(1). Retrieved from