Management of Penetrating Eye Injury with Retained Intraocular Foreign Body in Prince Mutaib Bin Abdulazziz Trauma Centre/ Hospital, Saudi Arabia: A Case Report


  • A. A. Akinfe Prince Mutaib Bin Abdulazziz Hospital (PMH), Sakaka Aljouf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Isam Hussein Saber Prince Mutaib Bin Abdulazziz Hospital (PMH), Sakaka Aljouf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • P.C. Ariel
  • S. Kishore Prince Mutaib Bin Abdulazziz Hospital (PMH), Sakaka Aljouf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Daini Akinkunmi Prince Mutaib Bin Abdulazziz Hospital (PMH), Sakaka Aljouf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • F. A. Akinfe Prince Mutaib Bin Abdulazziz Hospital (PMH), Sakaka Aljouf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Abegunade Fatima Prince Mutaib Bin Abdulazziz Hospital (PMH), Sakaka Aljouf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Kayode Fasasi Prince Mutaib Bin Abdulazziz Hospital (PMH), Sakaka Aljouf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Introduction: Appropriate and adequate eye protection when performing visually threatening activities is the most effective method to prevent ocular trauma. The American Academy of Ophthalmology Eye Injury Snapshot is a yearly survey designed to collect data and educate the public about the causes and prevention of eye injuries1 . Through educational programs such as this, potential eye injuries may be prevented.1 The aim of this report is to describe the management of a patient with penetrating retained intraocular foreign body. 

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How to Cite

Akinfe , A. A., Hussein Saber, I., Ariel , P., Kishore , S., Akinkunmi, D., Akinfe , F. A., Fatima, A., & Fasasi, K. (2021). Management of Penetrating Eye Injury with Retained Intraocular Foreign Body in Prince Mutaib Bin Abdulazziz Trauma Centre/ Hospital, Saudi Arabia: A Case Report. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 6(1). Retrieved from