Pterygium Recurrence in a Private Eye Clinic in Abuja


  • A. C. Okudo Rachel Eye Center, Abuja, Nigeria
  • O.E. Babalola Rachel Eye Center, Abuja, Nigeria


Risk factors, Conjunctival autograft, 5 florouracil, Recurrence, Pterygium


Background: The major concern following pterygium surgery is recurrence. The study aims to compare the recurrence rate between
5florouracil and conjunctival autograft and the risk factors for recurrence.

Methods: This was a retrospective study carried out in Rachel Eye Center, Abuja, over a 5-year period. The clinical records were obtained from the operation and patients case notes. Information retrieved included demographic characteristics, type of surgery, recurrence and duration of recurrence. Data was analysed using the descriptive, compare means and logistic regression analysis functions of SPSS version 20 Chicago, IL, USA. 

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Author Biography

O.E. Babalola , Rachel Eye Center, Abuja, Nigeria

College of Medical and Health Sciences, Bingham University Jos/Karu , Nigeria


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How to Cite

Okudo , A. C., & Babalola , O. (2021). Pterygium Recurrence in a Private Eye Clinic in Abuja. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 6(1). Retrieved from