Retinal Vascular Changes in Hypertensive Patients in Ibadan, Sub Sahara Africa



  • TS Oluleye Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan and University College Hospital, Ibadan.
  • B A Olusanya Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan and University College Hospital, Ibadan.
  • MO Adeoye Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan and University College Hospital, Ibadan.


Introduction: Retinal vascular changes in hypertensive patients is a pointer to systemic morbidity and mortality[1]. Previous studies  showed its rarity in Africans[2]. Recent studies showed that it is common in Nigeria[3,4,5]. The aim of the study was to describe the  various retinal vascular changes in patients attending hypertension clinic at the University College Hospital, Ibadan.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional hospitalbased study. After seeking Ethical Approval from the University College Hospital/  University of Ibadan Ethical Review Board, A total of 903 consecutive hypertensive patients satisfying the study criteria were studied.  After physician examination, dilated fundoscopy and photography with mobile phone combined with a 20D Lens was done on all  patients to determine the presence of etinopathy. One hundred and fifty of these patients had echocardiography  

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How to Cite

Oluleye, T., Olusanya, B. A., & Adeoye, M. (2023). Retinal Vascular Changes in Hypertensive Patients in Ibadan, Sub Sahara Africa: Vitreo-Retina. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 1(1). Retrieved from