Pattern of Retinoblastoma and Challenges of Management in a Tertiary Eye Hospital in Nigeria
Orbit and Oculoplasty
Introduction: Retinoblastoma is an intraocular malignancy that covertly presents with leucocoria. This intraocular tumour if untreated can lead to death within 1 to 2 years.1 The presentation of retinoblastoma varies between countries and actually parallels the level of economic development. In United State, leucocoria, strabismus and poor vision are the commonest presentations while in Nepal proptosis with orbital extension was the commonest presentation.2 The treatment for retinoblastoma evolved over the years. In the 70s, enucleation was important for improved survival; in the 80s external beam radiotherapy was introduced though later discovered to increased chances of second non ocular tumour. In the 90s systemic chemotherapy was introduced and currently is the mainstay of control of intraocular retinoblastoma and prevention of systemic metastasis.1The general aim of the study was to review all cases ofretinoblastoma with aim of describing the pattern of presentation, treatment offered and challenges encountered in the course of their managements.Outcome measures were: (1) Pattern of presentation, (2) treatment offeredand (3) challenges encountered.
Methods: The case notes of patients with retinoblastoma were retrieved from the record unit of peadiatrics and strabismus department and reviewed.The age at presentation, the patients’ gender, the presenting complaints as well as laterality of the tumour were decumented for each patients. Others include findings in both eyes during examination under anaesthesia, the chemo theraphy agents and route of administration as well as any documentred side effects.The tumour shrinkage and duration of follow up were also noted.
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