An Assessment of Knowledge and Practice of Goldmann Applanation Tonometer Calibration Error Checks among Ophthalmology Residents in Nigeria


  • Chigozie I Echieh Department of Ophthalmology, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar
  • Chidiebere P Echieh Department of Surgery, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar
  • Eze Ugochukwu Department of Ophthalmology, National Eye Centre, Kaduna.
  • Oyeniyi Taiwo Department of Community Medicine, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar
  • Monye Ifechukwu Department of Ophthalmology, University College Hospital, Ibadan
  • Miriam-Benigna C Amobi Department of Ophthalmology, Guinness Eye Centre, Onitsha
  • Shahir Bello Department of Ophthalmology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Hospital, Bauchi.


Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) is the gold standard for the measurement of intraocular-pressure (IOP).1 The importance of an accurate value of intraocular pressure in patients’ eye care cannot be overemphasized as patient’s management decisions are based on the intraocular pressure measurement taken by the Goldman applanation tonometer, thus, it is imperative that the accuracy of this instrument be assessed regularly in clinics. In many ophthalmic clinics in Nigeria, the GAT is commonly used for measuring patients IOP. In routine clinical practice, error of measurement could arise from a non calibrated tonometer and thus it becomes necessary to ensure routine calibration of the tonometer.2 The aim of the study was to assess the level of knowledge and practice of GAT calibration among ophthalmology residents in Nigeria. 

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How to Cite

Echieh , C. I., Echieh , C. P., Ugochukwu, E., Taiwo, O., Ifechukwu, M., Amobi , M.-B. C., & Bello, S. (2021). An Assessment of Knowledge and Practice of Goldmann Applanation Tonometer Calibration Error Checks among Ophthalmology Residents in Nigeria. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 4(1). Retrieved from