Visual Outcome after Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery in Lagos, Nigeria

General Ophthalmology


  • T Ewete Eye Unit, Me Cure Healthcare Limited, Lagos, Nigeria
  • A.S Alabi Eye Unit, Me Cure Healthcare Limited, Lagos, Nigeria


Introduction: An assessment done by the WHO found cataracts accounted for 51% of the causes of global blindness and 33% of visual  impairment, inclusive of blindness.1 The Nigerian National Blindness and visual impairment survey 2005 to 2007 found that 42.9% of  blindness was due to cataract.2

Methods: Study design: Retrospective study of individuals that had undergone manual small incision  cataract surgery (MSICS) at the Eye Center. Axial length measurements were performed using the IOLMaster (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG,  Jena, Germany). Those cataracts too dense to have proper biometry using the IOLMaster had A scan done using the Quantel medical  Axis II (Quantel Medical, France) and Keratometry readings were done using the Topcon Autokeratorefractometer KR-8900 (Topcon  Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Various formulas were used to determine the IOL power depending on the axial lengths; Hoffer Q (for axial  lengths <22), Holladay, Hoffer Q, SRK-T (for axial lengths 22.0-24.5), Holladay (for axial lengths 24.5-26) and SRK-T (for axial  lengths >26.0). Six Ophthalmologists trained in manual small incision cataract surgery performed the surgeries.  

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How to Cite

Ewete, T., & Alabi, A. (2023). Visual Outcome after Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery in Lagos, Nigeria: General Ophthalmology. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 2(1). Retrieved from