Review of Bottle Cap Eye Injuries at Federal Medical Centre, Asaba


  • Ugochukwu A Eze Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Medical Centre, Asaba
  • Kingsley I Okolie Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Medical Centre, Asaba
  • Raptured KS Preyor Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Medical Centre, Asaba
  • Ifeanyi O. Orji Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Medical Centre, Asaba
  • Theresa Ibebunjo Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Medical Centre, Asaba
  • Ernest N Ogbedo Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Medical Centre, Asaba
  • Helen A Alen Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Medical Centre, Asaba
  • Abiola A Salimonu Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Medical Centre, Asaba
  • Adedeji O Akinyemi Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Medical Centre, Asaba


Background: Bottle cap injuries are an important cause of unilateral injury and blindness.1,2 Flying bottle caps have been implicated in a majority of cases as against bottle explosions.3 In Nigeria Coca-cola® bottles account for 50-100% of such injuries, followed closely by beer bottles.3,4

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Bekibele CO, Ajayi BG, Baiyeroju AM, Ayeni EA. Visual outcome of pressurised bottled drinks related eye injuries in Ibadan. Afr J Med Med Sci. 2003; 32:85–88.

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How to Cite

Eze, U. A., Okolie, K. I., Preyor, R. K., Orji, I. O., Ibebunjo, T., Ogbedo, E. N., Alen, H. A., Salimonu, A. A., & Akinyemi, A. O. (2022). Review of Bottle Cap Eye Injuries at Federal Medical Centre, Asaba. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 7(1). Retrieved from



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