Traditional Eye Medication: Still a Challenge in the Twenty First Century - Case Report


  • PD Sarki Department of Ophthalmology, BarauDikko Teaching Hospital, Kaduna State University, Nigeria
  • SS Bulus Department of Ophthalmology, BarauDikko Teaching Hospital, Kaduna State University, Nigeria


Traditional eye medications (TEM) are substances, naturally occurring or artificial, which are applied to the eyes to achieve a therapeutic aim.1 In spite of the well documented toxic effects of TEM,2 their use remains common practice.3 Studies across Africa confirmed that many individuals still use TEM before presentation to the hospital.4, 5

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How to Cite

Sarki, P., & Bulus , S. (2019). Traditional Eye Medication: Still a Challenge in the Twenty First Century - Case Report. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 4(1). Retrieved from