Principles of Management of Eyelid Trauma: A Review


  • Balogun Bolanle Grace Lagos State University College of Medicine. Ikeja. Lagos, Nigeria.


canthal injuries, canalicular laceration, eyelid injury, eyelid laceration, Eyelid trauma


Background: Eyelid trauma is a common day to day ophthalmic emergency, presenting to both general emergency room physicians as well as ophthalmology emergency sections. Often, these cases are inadequately managed due to lack of requisite understanding of eyelid anatomy, inadequate surgical skills by the primary attending physician and the presence of more severe life-threatening injuries which could cause delay in prompt ophthalmic intervention. The consequence therefore is a heightened risk of eyelid, ocular, visual, and aesthetic complications, which if not adequately managed could negatively impact the quality of life (QoL) of the injured.

Purpose: This review article, with focus on mechanical eyelid trauma, aims to present a simplified guide on the principles of management of eyelid trauma with the hope of providing an algorithm to facilitate decision making on eyelid trauma reconstruction.

Conclusion: Requisite knowledge and skills, adoption of basic principles and early referral where necessary, together with prompt multidisciplinary intervention, would ensure anatomical and functional restoration of the eyelid, as well as minimize post traumatic complications.  

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Author Biography

Balogun Bolanle Grace, Lagos State University College of Medicine. Ikeja. Lagos, Nigeria.

Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja. Lagos, Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Grace, B. B. (2020). Principles of Management of Eyelid Trauma: A Review. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 5(1), 6–17. Retrieved from