Refraction Techniques in a Child- From the Past to the Present

Paediatric Ophthamology & Strabismus


  • Michaeline A Isawumi College of Health Sciences, Osun State University, PMB 4494, Osogbo and LAUTECH Teaching Hospital, Osogbo.


Introduction: Correction of refractive error in children is very important as it can affect performance in school and his/her life time achievements.

Methods: Literature search of the various past and current techniques of refraction.

Results: The manual, photorefractive, automated, combined methods of refraction, aberrometers and keratorefractive surgeries can be carried out to correct errors in children.  

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How to Cite

Isawumi , M. A. (2023). Refraction Techniques in a Child- From the Past to the Present: Paediatric Ophthamology & Strabismus. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria, 2(1). Retrieved from