Keratoconus-Challenges of Management in a Low-Resourse Setting – A Case Report
Cornea And Anterior Segment
Introduction: Keratoconus (KC) is a bilateral, non-inflammatory, progressive disorder in which central or paracentral corneal stromal thinning, apical protrusion and irregular astigmatism occur1,2. The cornea is a transparent avascular structure forming the anterior 1/6th of the outer fibrous coat of the eye that serves protection and ¾ of the refractive power of the eye. Its thickness averages 520microns centrally and 700microns peripherally3 .
Case Report: Mr. S.Z., an 18year old JSS2 student presented with a 4year history of severe itching of the eyes associated with redness, tearing, sandy sensation and stringy discharge + a 2year history of painless, progressive blurring of vision with no prior ocular, medical or family history of note. He is the 5th of 7 children of his mother in a polygamous setting. Examination revealed a young man with arachnodactyly, height of 160cm, arm span of 170cm (arm span to height ratio 0.7), and pectus excavatus. Other CVS, RS and abdominal examinations were essentially normal. An assessment of Keratoconus with background vernal conjunctivitis in a marfanoid patient was made.
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